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Benefits of Binahong for Health

Benefits of Binahong for Health - Hearing the word binahong may be familiar to our ears, what it binahong?. Binahong is a plant that the leaves have a myriad of benefits. From the name "binahong" comes from the Korean language. This plant has long leaves are used for medicinal herbs in the Chinese mainland. In Indonesia also are familiar with plants binahong. This is evidenced by the proliferation of writing to review the usefulness binahong for the health of the body, also proved to many people who know (familiar) with this plant.

Content of Plants and Habitats Binahong
Plants binahong exactly in the leaves contain saponins which act as anti-bacterial. Pelifenol containing compounds and alkaloids.
In binahong leaves also contained essential oil has many properties as an ingredient analgesics, stimulants, enzymatic, anti-septic outside in, upset stomach. Can also be used as fragrance materials and soap. There are many other ingredients in the leaves binahong, oleanolik acid is also present in the leaves binahong, this acid has a property not lose much with essential oils, which strengthen cell resistance to infection and can regenerate cells.

Binahong habitat in upland areas and low, do not need much sun, more suitable in the shade. Life vines, so prepare for the propagation of this plant growth.

Efficacy Leaves Binahong
Binahong leaf has many advantages such as:
One, binahong leaves can be used as a cough medicine. You do this by boiling the leaves binahong, for a number leaves no definite rules, then the results binahong leaf decoction drunk. Taken once daily.

Two, for hemorrhoid medication. Same way, by boiling the leaves binahong 16 sheets with 3 cups of water. Leave to be a glass of water, then drink one time a day.

Three, to the drug (hypotension) blood pressure low. How to boil binahong 8 sheets with 2 cups of water. Leave a glass, then drink one time a day.

Four, drug bleeding gums. How to boil binahong 4 leaves with 2 cups of water. Leave a glass, then drink once a day.

Five, acne medication. How to boil 8 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boiled up into a glass. Drink once a day.

Six, drug diabetetes (diabetes). How to boil 11 binahong leaves in 3 cups of water. Boil 2 cups of water until the leaves binahong. Drink 1 time a day.

Seven, medication postpartum. How to boil 7 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boil until leaving glass. Drink once a day.

Eight, medication shortness of breath. How to boil 7 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boil until leaving glass. Taken once a day.

Nine, inflamed kidney medicine. Same way with medication shortness of breath.
Ten, swollen intestines medicine. How to boil 3 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boil until the remaining 1 cup of water. Taken once a day.

Eleven, appetite enhancer. How to boil 5 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boil until leaving glass. Taken once a day.

Twelve, launch coming months. How to boil 3 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boiled up into a glass. Taken once a day.

Thirteen, cure wounds (wound accelerate drying). You do this by wringing some leaves and slimy binahong until blended, then placed on the wound area.

Fourteen, drug dysentery (dysentery). How to boil 10 binahong leaves with 2 cups of water. Boil until leaving a glass of water. Drink once a day.

Fifteen, drugs eczema (itchy skin). The trick with 10 to 15 leaves binahong with 3 cups of water. Boil 2 cups of water to the leaves. Taken once daily

There are many more properties binahong other leaves. Immediately equip pharmacy your life with binahong plants, because the herbs complement the house with leaves binahong, a myriad of leaves binahong properties will be obtained.